Help Pup: Every pup deserves a better life


Our goal is to connect people across different areas and build a community with the central theme of caring for pups in every way possible. With our methods, and out reach actions to join people is to ensure that no stray is left behind and we all come together to adopt or foster stray dogs in our areas.


Our vision to extend our love and concern for dogs everywhere and join others who share this and awaken others who don't. We want to ensure care, well being and good treatment of stray dogs everywhere. We can start this by encouraging people living in colonies to "adopt" or "foster" stray dogs living in their area and coming together to provide these pups with food, shelter and medical treatment.

User Personas

Below we paint a picture of our target users through a set of user personas


Amogha is 30years old freelancer who does content writing. She's dedicated to providing information, news and thoughts on topics ranging from animal rights, and green living. She has a soft corner for animals from childhood and is also a part of an NGO which saves stray dogs, recently she adopted one, Hans.

Pain Points: Amogha is frustrated about the lack of information she gets from the Facebook/Whatsapp groups, she wants to help but with the limited information, high response time, and less people she couldn’t do her best to help and save the dogs.

Goals: Amogha wants people to share detailed information about the stray dogs and respond quickly on the follow up questions. Amogha wants people to come together and help the stray dogs.


Ashok is 50years old veterinary doctor and animal activists. Ashok started as a volunteer with an NGO where he played a vital role in setting up the first animal shelter in the city. He's a volunteer doctor who examines the dogs living in the shelters. He also helped raise funds for the shelter, conducted adoption programmes for rehabilitating abandoned dogs and facilitated the coordination of animal ambulance service for animals in distress.

Pain Points: Ashok is frustrated by how people could help a dog but due to lack of knowledge about the first aid and shelters they ignore them. Ashok is frustrated to about shelters not able to raise funds for food and medicines.

Goals: Ashok wants to educate people on basic first aid, healthcare, food, water and shelters. He Ashok wants to host events and raise funds for the shelters and dog activists community.


Harsh is 20years old student who is pursuing his degree. He love dogs and provide the local dogs with water and food and asks his friends to do the same. Harsh tends to influence people to help the street dogs.

Pain Points: Harsh is frustrated by how people do not care about the local dogs, people would buy a new pet dog but won't take care of the street dogs.

Goals: Harsh wants to influence people to take care of the local dogs, in small ways like keep water outside the house and feed the dogs on a regular interval. Harsh wants to build a community of people who take care of the local dogs.


Kennel is a dog shelter, run by Savi. Savi is a retired government banker and spends most of her time taking care of dogs at the shelter. She's running the shelter from her own pension and donations.

Pain Points: Savi is facing issues to keep the Kennel running due to lack of funds and increasing number of expenses. Savi applied for various grants but never got one.

Goals: Savi wants to raise funds to keep the Kennel up and running and provide with better food and medicines.

Feature List

Below is a list of features to build from the problem statements and user personas: